Maya - 2022
Prompted with 3d modelling an interior scene, I decided to design an old speakeasy. The environment was made with maya.
The full modelling breakdown can be viewed here. A more detailed explanation of the textures is farther below:
I have also included a visual of the UV Maps Which were redone after deciding to add textures.
Wanting to take this scene to the next level, I then decided to create a texture atlas for the entire scene in maya. This would end up being a 32k x 32k atlas, and while impractical in most actual use cases it gave me great knowledge into how texture atlases are made.
An Albedo, Roughness, Normal, Height Map and ambient occlusion were all custom made for this using textures
from as well as online images for signage and pictures. The albedo and ambient occlusion maps can be seen below:

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